20+ Rarest Body Features You May Have and Your Friends Not
20+ Rarest Body Features You May Have and Your Friends Not
Each person is unique – sometimes more than we think. Even though we all have the same number of limbs and similar features, some small details make everyone an X-Man of sorts. Today we'll tell you about exceptional physical skills and characteristics found in only a tiny percentage of people around the world. Perhaps you possess some of these rare body features too? For example, less than 50 people have ever had the Rh-null blood type, dubbed "golden blood." Three percent of people all over the planet have lines creating the letter X on both their hands. There are people who don't have to stress over how much calcium they consume. They have a rare mutation in the LRP5 gene. Another gene mutation helps people keep their bad cholesterol levels extremely low. Unfortunately, only 2 to 3% of people have this useful feature. #brightside TIMESTAMPS: The simian crease 0:01 Golden blood 0:23 Gleeking 1:12 Dextrocardia 1:41 Ocular albinism 1:58 A hole at the top of your ear 2:24 Arch-shaped fingerprints 2:45 An additional rib 3:10 Red hair 4:18 Morton's toe 4:38 Unusually shaped pupil 4:56 Heterochromia 5:19 Distichiasis 5:46 Mega dense bones 6:06 Super color vision 6:24 Gene mutations 6:43 An outie belly button 7:17 Super-tasters 7:28 No wisdom teeth 7:56 Long palm muscles 8:15 Gray eyes 8:59 CC BY-SA 4.0 https://ift.tt/2ZubTCF An adult hand showing a single transverse palmar crease: By WurdBendur, https://ift.tt/3jsKM4c Palmistry: By YOGESH MAHESWARI, https://ift.tt/3jsTvDx A person with preauricular sinus: By AdamMichaels784, https://ift.tt/3iynZmo Ljubomir Simonović - Nikola Tesla: By Ivan Veličković, https://ift.tt/33qKvJB CC BY-SA 3.0 https://ift.tt/39bhwKq Light blue eyes (grey): By Lacobrigo, https://ift.tt/2Gtkf8e Preauricular sinus on right human ear: By Smooth_O, https://ift.tt/3l7B2wE Praeauricular appendage in 11-year old girl: By Klaus D. Peter, Gummersbach, Germany, CC BY 3.0 de https://ift.tt/16FVlui, https://ift.tt/36r6wK4 First rib (shown in red): By Anatomography, CC BY-SA 2.1 jp https://ift.tt/1GCPqaH, https://ift.tt/3ndZmyN Eye with partial heterochromia iridis: By Sheila.lorquiana, CC BY 3.0 https://ift.tt/1mmxEyy, https://ift.tt/2EUxjD4 Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound https://ift.tt/1NOjjY3 Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://ift.tt/1NR4JJP Instagram: https://ift.tt/2pDikkf 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://ift.tt/2pNb6gr Stock materials (photos, footages and other): https://ift.tt/23rGg9b https://ift.tt/1eYTOMy https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: https://ift.tt/2d8ayZz