Test your common sense with a set of hard riddles with answers! If you want to keep yourself thinking and improve your logical skills then try to solve these brain-sweating riddles! Test your intelligence and increase your survival skills right now. And if you feel like you need more time to think about the answer don't be shy to pause the video. 00:19 - Warm up your brain with the first riddle! You make your way through the dense forest. It is really hard to walk here. Long grass, thick bushes and.. Hungry mosquitoes attack you from all sides! They bite and bite...each time it’s more painful than before... and you just keep scratching. You need to do something to protect yourself! What’s the best option to get rid of these annoying insects? 01:16 - Boost your logic with another tricky puzzle! The mosquitoes don’t bother you anymore. So you decide to check on your supplies. You need to make sure that you have enough food for everyone. Suddenly, you notice that all your bread is gone! You know that it was in your backpack with the other supplies. You ask around, try to find out who stole the bread, but none of your friends confess. Who did it? Who stole the bread? 01:58 - Test your IQ and boost your brain! There’s not much food left. You gather all the remaining products. Now you need to decide what to do with them. Here’s what you have: a can of beans, one chocolate bar, several bananas. What should you do? 03:08 - This logic riddle will test your survival skills! Your friends are tired and are desperate to stop and rest. You decide to scout the path up ahead by yourself. But something unexpected happens in the forest. There was a big pit directly in front of you. Creepy! You didn’t notice it and fell down into the pit. It’s not insanely deep, but you can’t jump or climb out...if only you were taller! How can you get out? 04:16 - Find the liar before the time is up! When you return to your friends, you find that someone ate half of your chocolate! You’re not sure whether one of your friends did it...or maybe it was the mysterious person who dug that pit... So you just casually ask what they were doing while you were away. Who’s lying? 05:04 - Test your ability to think outside the box with another brain teaser! Jack said sorry and gave you half of his bread in return. Now you can all go through the forest together. Finally, you come to the river. It’s very strong and noisy, it looks pretty dangerous. It’ll be too difficult to swim across it. Who’s got the right idea? 05:54 - This survival riddle will make you do some hard thinking! OK, You follow your friend’s advice and walk along the river, for about half an hour. You stop for a break and suddenly you hear a growing rumble. It’s a helicopter! Hurry up and give it a signal! Who knows...it might be your last chance! Time to remember all those action survival movies...Which option is the best? 07:01 - Boost your critical thinking with a portion of visual puzzles! Who is in danger? Who's not dangerous? TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle was the easiest for you! #testyourcommonsense #hardriddles #riddleswithanswers Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh Music: Epidemic Sound https://ift.tt/1NOjjY3 Music: Youtube Library https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/... Stock materials (photos, footages and other): https://ift.tt/23rGg9b https://ift.tt/1eYTOMy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us on Social Media: Facebook: https://ift.tt/2oOoSB3... Instagram: https://ift.tt/2pIYZmC... Website: https://ift.tt/2xpc0Bc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: https://ift.tt/2d8ayZz
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